
This section contains information on using dynamic platform settings for the Vela server.

Platform Administrators can update certain properties during runtime to change how the platform behaves in real time.

The following properties are available to be updated:


The following options are used to configure the component:

NameDescriptionRequiredDefaultEnvironment Variables
settings-refresh-intervalthe interval at which the server syncs with the databasetrue5sVELA_PLATFORM_SETTINGS_REFRESH_INTERVAL, VELA_SETTINGS_REFRESH_INTERVAL


This functionality only exists for Platform Administrators.



The server will ensure shared settings are first initialized using the variables provided in the environment. For more information on how the runtime properties are configured, please see the server reference.

On subsequent server startups, the properties controlled by the settings component will be retrieved from the database.

If the database settings record is deleted then the server will fail. On the next startup the server will re-initialize the settings record using the values provided in the environment.

Server Synchronization

The server will keep its own settings in sync with the database according to the settings-refresh-interval set in the environment.

Viewing and Updating Properties

To view or update settings via the user interface, log into your Vela instance and click the site admin link in the top right corner or navigate to

Check the CLI docs for instructions on modifying runtime properties via the command line.

Updated properties will propagate to all server instances depending on the settings-refresh-interval set in the environment on startup.

Restoring Default Properties

The DELETE /api/v1/admin/settings API endpoint can be used to “restore” the server to its original environment-provided configurations. Acting as a way for platform admins to undo any current modifications to the platform without restarting or modifying the database.