
This section contains information on the executor component for the worker.

This component is responsible for coordinating with the runtime to manage workload resources.

Throughout the lifecycle of these resources, this component will track and report results back to the server.


The following options are used to configure the component:

NameDescriptionRequiredDefaultEnvironment Variables
executor.drivertype of client to control and operate executortruelinuxEXECUTOR_DRIVER
executor.max_log_sizemaximum log size (in bytes)false0 (no limit)EXECUTOR_MAX_LOG_SIZE
executor.log_streaming_timeoutmaximum time to wait, after build completion, for logs to finish streamingfalse5mEXECUTOR_LOG_STREAMING_TIMEOUT


The following drivers are available to configure the component:

linuxuses a Linux executor for running workloadshttps://www.linux.com/
localuses a Local executor for running workloads (CLI only)N/A


From the Linux official website:

Linux has been around since the mid-1990s and has since reached a user-base that spans the globe. Just like Windows, iOS, and Mac OS, Linux is an operating system. In fact, one of the most popular platforms on the planet, Android, is powered by the Linux operating system.

The below configuration displays an example of starting the Vela worker that will use a Linux executor:

$ docker run \
  --detach=true \
+ --env=VELA_EXECUTOR_DRIVER=linux \
  --env=VELA_QUEUE_DRIVER=redis \
  --env=VELA_SERVER_ADDR=https://vela-server.example.com \
  --env=VELA_SERVER_SECRET=<shared-secret> \
  --env=VELA_WORKER_ADDR=https://vela-worker.example.com \
  --name=worker \
  --publish=80:80 \
  --publish=443:443 \
  --restart=always \
  --volume=/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \


The local executor driver is only intended for use with the Vela CLI.

It’s not recommended to run any workloads on a worker configured with this driver.