
Learn how authenticating with the Vela CLI works.


Authentication with the Vela CLI is the responsibility of the client initiating the request.

Each request requires a server address. You can provide this variable to the CLI in three ways:

  • Configuration File
  • Environment Variable
  • Flag

Configuration File

Log in:

# Syntax
vela login --api.addr <vela server url>

# Example
vela login --api.addr

Confirm authentication via browser prompt:

Open in your browser and complete authentication (Press Enter to confirm):

Confirm to generate or update the configuration file prompt:

Authentication complete. Continue to save configuration (existing config will be overwritten):

Environment Variables

Configure the environment with the VELA_ADDR environment variable:

export VELA_ADDR=

Log in and confirm the two prompts as stated above:

vela login


Log in and confirm the two prompts as stated above:

# Syntax
vela login --api.addr <vela server url>

# Example
vela login --api.addr