
Learn how to create a schedule.


$ vela add schedule <parameters...> <arguments...>


The following parameters are used to configure the command:

NameDescriptionEnvironment Variables
orgname of organization for the scheduleVELA_ORG, SCHEDULE_ORG
reponame of repository for the scheduleVELA_REPO, SCHEDULE_REPO
schedulename of the scheduleVELA_SCHEDULE, SCHEDULE_NAME
entryfrequency for the scheduleVELA_ENTRY, SCHEDULE_ENTRY
activeenables/disables the scheduleVELA_ACTIVE, SCHEDULE_ACTIVE
outputformat the output for the scheduleVELA_OUTPUT, SCHEDULE_OUTPUT



$ pwd
$ vela add schedule --schedule hourly --entry '0 * * * *'

Targeted Request

$ vela add schedule --org github --repo octocat --schedule hourly --entry '0 * * * *'


  Active: true,
  CreatedAt: 1641314085,
  CreatedBy: octokitty,
  Entry: 0 * * * *,
  ID: 1,
  Name: hourly,
  RepoID: 1,
  ScheduledAt: 0,
  UpdatedAt: 1641314085,
  UpdatedBy: octokitty,


  1. Add a schedule to a repository with active not enabled.
    $ vela add schedule --org MyOrg --repo MyRepo --schedule hourly --entry '0 * * * *' --active false
  2. Add a schedule to a repository with a nightly entry.
    $ vela add schedule --org MyOrg --repo MyRepo --schedule nightly --entry '0 0 * * *'
  3. Add a schedule to a repository with a weekly entry.
    $ vela add schedule --org MyOrg --repo MyRepo --schedule weekly --entry '@weekly'
  4. Add a schedule to a repository when config or environment variables are set.
    $ vela add schedule