
Learn what environment variables are injected into containers

Container Defaults

The following environment variables are injected into every step, service, or secret container.

Build Environment Variables

VELA_BUILD_APPROVED_AT1556720958unix timestamp representing when build was approved
VELA_BUILD_APPROVED_BYRepoAdminuser who approved the build
VELA_BUILD_AUTHORoctocatauthor from the source commit
VELA_BUILD_AUTHOR_EMAILoctocat@github.comauthor email from the source commit, available only in push events
VELA_BUILD_BASE_REFrefs/heads/devreference from the base commit
VELA_BUILD_BRANCHmainbranch from the source commit
VELA_BUILD_CHANNELvelaqueue channel the build was published to
VELA_BUILD_CLONE url for the repository the build was triggered from
VELA_BUILD_COMMIT7fd1a60b01f91b314f59955a4e4d4e80d8edf11dcommit sha from the source commit
VELA_BUILD_CREATED1556720958unix timestamp representing build creation time
VELA_BUILD_DISTRIBUTIONlinuxdistribution where the build was executed
VELA_BUILD_ENQUEUED1556720958unix timestamp representing build enqueued time
VELA_BUILD_EVENTpushwebhook event that triggered the build
VELA_BUILD_EVENT_ACTIONcreatedwebhook event action that triggered the build
VELA_BUILD_HOSTvela-worker-1fully qualified domain name of the worker the build was executed on
VELA_BUILD_LINK to the build in the UI
VELA_BUILD_MESSAGEMerge pull request #6 from octocat/patch-1message from the source commit
VELA_BUILD_NUMBER1build number
VELA_BUILD_PARENT1previous build number
VELA_BUILD_REFrefs/heads/mainreference from the source commit
VELA_BUILD_RUNTIMEdockerruntime where the build was executed
VELA_BUILD_SENDERNealColemanuser who triggered the build
VELA_BUILD_STARTED1556730001unix timestamp representing build start time
VELA_BUILD_SOURCE url for the source commit the build was triggered from
VELA_BUILD_STATUSsuccessstatus of the build
VELA_BUILD_TITLEpush received from for the build
VELA_BUILD_WORKSPACE/vela/src/ directory the build is executed in
comment event only
VELA_BUILD_PULL_REQUEST1pull request number is populated from the source reference
VELA_PULL_REQUEST1pull request number is populated from the source reference
VELA_PULL_REQUEST_SOURCEdevpull request branch from the source reference
VELA_PULL_REQUEST_TARGETmainpull request branch for the target reference
deployment event only
VELA_BUILD_TARGETproductionname of target environment for the deployment
VELA_DEPLOYMENTproductionname of target environment for the deployment
VELA_DEPLOYMENT_NUMBER12345ID of deployment from source
pull_request event only
VELA_BUILD_PULL_REQUEST1pull request number is populated from the source reference
VELA_PULL_REQUEST1pull request number is populated from the source reference
VELA_PULL_REQUEST_SOURCEdevpull request branch from the source reference
VELA_PULL_REQUEST_TARGETmainpull request branch for the target reference
tag event only
VELA_BUILD_TAGv1.0.0tag is populated from the source reference

Vela Environment Variables

VELAtrueenvironment is Vela
VELA_ADDRvela.example.comfully qualified domain name of the Vela server
VELA_CHANNELvelaqueue channel the build was published to
VELA_DATABASEpostgresdatabase Vela is connected to
VELA_HOSTvela-worker-1fully qualified domain name of the worker the build was executed on
VELA_QUEUEredisqueue build was published to
VELA_RUNTIMEdockerruntime environment build was executed in
VELA_SOURCEgithubqueue channel the build was published to
VELA_VERSIONv0.1.0Vela version
VELA_WORKSPACE/vela/src/ directory the build is executed in
CItrueIndicates this is a CI environment

Repository Environment Variables

VELA_REPO_ACTIVEtrueactive setting for the repository
VELA_REPO_ALLOW_COMMENTfalsecomment enabled setting for the repository
VELA_REPO_ALLOW_DEPLOYfalsedeploy enabled setting for the repository
VELA_REPO_ALLOW_PULLtruepull enabled setting for the repository
VELA_REPO_ALLOW_PUSHtruepush enabled setting for the repository
VELA_REPO_ALLOW_TAGfalsetag enabled setting for the repository
VELA_REPO_BRANCHmaindefault branch of the repository
VELA_REPO_BUILD_LIMIT10limit of concurrent builds for the repository
VELA_REPO_CLONE url of the repository
VELA_REPO_FULL_NAMEoctocat/hello-worldfull name of the repository
VELA_REPO_LINK url of the repository
VELA_REPO_NAMEhello-worldname of the repository
VELA_REPO_ORGoctocatorg of the repository
VELA_REPO_PRIVATEfalseprivacy setting for the repository
VELA_REPO_TIMEOUT30timeout setting for the repository
VELA_REPO_TOPICScloud,securitycomma-separated list of repository topics
VELA_REPO_TRUSTEDfalsetrusted setting for the repository
VELA_REPO_VISIBILITYpublicvisibility setting for the repository

User Environment Variables

VELA_USER_ACTIVEtrueactive setting for the user
VELA_USER_ADMINtrueadmin platform status for the user
VELA_USER_FAVORITES[ "octocat/hello-world" ]favorites starred for the user
VELA_USER_NAMEOctocatuser handle setting for the user

Step Only Defaults

The following environment variables are only injected into every step container.

VELA_STEP_CREATED1556720958unix timestamp representing step creation time
VELA_STEP_DISTRIBUTIONlinuxdistribution where the step was executed
VELA_STEP_EXIT_CODE0exit code of the step when container starts
VELA_STEP_HOSTvela-worker-1fully qualified domain name of the worker the step was executed on
VELA_STEP_IMAGEtarget/vela-git:latestname of the image executed
VELA_STEP_NAMEclonename of the step
VELA_STEP_NUMBER1number of the step executed within the pipeline
VELA_STEP_REPORT_AScypress testscontext to which to publish for the commit that reflects step status
VELA_STEP_RUNTIMEdockerruntime where the step was executed
VELA_STEP_STAGEclonename of the stage the step belongs to within the pipeline
VELA_STEP_STARTED1556730001unix timestamp representing step start time
VELA_STEP_STATUSsuccessstatus of the step

Service Only Defaults

The following environment variables are only injected into every step container.

VELA_SERVICE_CREATED1556720958unix timestamp representing service creation time
VELA_SERVICE_DISTRIBUTIONlinuxdistribution where the service was executed
VELA_SERVICE_EXIT_CODE0exit code of the service when container starts
VELA_SERVICE_HOSTvela-worker-1fully qualified domain name of the worker the service was executed on
VELA_SERVICE_IMAGEtarget/vela-git:latestname of the image executed
VELA_SERVICE_NAMEclonename of the service
VELA_SERVICE_NUMBER1number of the service executed within the pipeline
VELA_SERVICE_RUNTIMEdockerruntime where the service was executed
VELA_SERVICE_STARTED1556730001unix timestamp representing service start time
VELA_SERVICE_STATUSsuccessstatus of the service