Managing Deployments

Learn about how to leverage deployments for your builds

Pipelines can be written with your specific branching methodology in mind but when it comes to deployments you often want to be very intentional with triggering a change. For this reason, Vela has deployments, a unique build event that is triggered directly via Vela on a specific ref (branch, SHA, tag).

Vela leverages a deep integration with GitHub Deployments which will not only trigger your build but create a system of record on GitHub for your deployment action. You can leverage a deployment in your steps like:

# A step triggering on "all" deployment events
- name: All deployments
  image: alpine
    - echo "Running your deployment!"
    event: [ deployment ]

# A step triggering deployment to a specific target.
# Targets can be any value i.e. dev, stage, eng, prod, etc
- name: Targeted deployments
  image: alpine
    - echo "Running deployment for ${VELA_DEPLOYMENT}!"
    event: [ deployment ]
    target: [ dev, eng ]


Let us look at an example workflow for executing a deployment on your repo. You should understand the following concepts before proceeding:

version: "1"
  # A step triggering on "all" deployment events
  - name: All deployments
    image: alpine
      - echo "Running your deployment!"
      event: [ deployment ]

  # A step triggering deployment to a specific target.
  # Targets can be any value i.e. dev, stage, eng, prod, etc
  - name: Targeted deployments
    image: alpine
      - echo "Running deployment for ${VELA_DEPLOYMENT}!"
      event: [ deployment ]
      target: [ dev, eng ]

  # Now that we know how to control a deployment, lets look
  # at adding custom parameters. Sometimes not only do you need
  # control of the target but you want custom data available
  # when your pipeline runs.
  - name: Custom parameters deployments
    image: alpine
      - echo "Custom parameter message, ${DEPLOYMENT_PARAMETER_MESSAGE}"
      event: [ deployment ]
      target: [ dev, eng ]

The following CLI commands will trigger the pipeline and produce different permutations of the pipeline executing:

# Trigger deployment with no additional configuration
$ vela add deployment --org github --repo octocat

# Trigger deployment for a repository with a specific target environment.
$ vela add deployment --org github --repo octocat --target stage

# Add a deployment for a repository with two parameters.
$ vela add deployment --org github --repo octocat --parameter 'message=Hello, custom var!'