Learn how to modify a dashboard.
$ vela update dashboard <parameters...> <arguments...>
For more information, you can run
vela update dashboard --help
The following parameters are used to configure the command:
Name | Description | Environment Variables |
id | uuid for the dashboard | VELA_DASHBOARD_ID , DASHBOARD_ID |
name | name for the dashboard | VELA_DASHBOARD_NAME , DASHBOARD_NAME |
add-repos | list of repositories to add for the dashboard | VELA_DASHBOARD_ADD_REPOS , DASHBOARD_ADD_REPOS |
drop-repos | list of repositories to remove from the dashboard | VELA_DASHBOARD_DROP_REPOS , DASHBOARD_DROP_REPOS |
target-repos | list of repositories to target for updates for the dashboard | VELA_DASHBOARD_TARGET_REPOS , DASHBOARD_TARGET_REPOS |
add-admins | list of admins to add for the dashboard | VELA_DASHBOARD_ADD_ADMINS , DASHBOARD_ADD_ADMINS |
drop-admins | list of admins to remove from the dashboard | VELA_DASHBOARD_DROP_ADMINS , DASHBOARD_DROP_ADMINS |
branches | filter builds in all repositories by branch | VELA_DASHBOARD_REPOS_BRANCH , DASHBOARD_REPOS_BRANCH |
events | filter builds in all repositories by event | VELA_DASHBOARD_REPOS_EVENT , DASHBOARD_REPOS_EVENT |
output | format the output for the dashboard | VELA_OUTPUT , DASHBOARD_OUTPUT |
This command also supports setting the following parameters via a configuration file:
For more information, please review the CLI config documentation.
This section assumes you have already installed and setup the CLI.
To install the CLI, please review the installation documentation.
To setup the CLI, please review the authentication documentation.
$ vela update dashboard --id d3040cd7-9bb6-45d1-a2a1-d794483a902c --name 'Octocat Dev Branches' --target-repos octocat/Hello-world,octocat/Spoon-Knife --branches dev
Name: Octocat Dev Branches,
ID: d3040cd7-9bb6-45d1-a2a1-d794483a902c,
Admins: [{
Active: true,
Admin: false,
Dashboards: [],
Favorites: [],
ID: 1,
Name: octokitty,
Token: ,
CreatedAt: 1716572402,
CreatedBy: octokitty,
UpdatedAt: 1716572402,
UpdatedBy: octokitty,
Repos: [{
Name: octocat/Hello-World,
ID: 1,
Branches: [dev],
Events: [],
} {
Name: octocat/Spoon-Knife,
ID: 2,
Branches: [dev],
Events: [],
1. Update a dashboard to add a repository.
$ vela update dashboard --id c8da1302-07d6-11ea-882f-4893bca275b8 --add-repos Org-1/Repo-1
2. Update a dashboard to remove a repository.
$ vela update dashboard --id c8da1302-07d6-11ea-882f-4893bca275b8 --drop-repos Org-1/Repo-1
3. Update a dashboard to add event and branch filters to specific repositories.
$ vela update dashboard --id c8da1302-07d6-11ea-882f-4893bca275b8 --target-repos Org-1/Repo-1,Org-2/Repo-2 --branches main --events push
4. Update a dashboard to change the name.
$ vela update dashboard --id c8da1302-07d6-11ea-882f-4893bca275b8 --name MyDashboard
5. Update a dashboard to add an admin.
$ vela update dashboard --id c8da1302-07d6-11ea-882f-4893bca275b8 --add-admins JohnDoe
6. Update a dashboard to remove an admin.
$ vela update dashboard --id c8da1302-07d6-11ea-882f-4893bca275b8 --drop-admins JohnDoe
Last modified June 24, 2024: feat(dashboard): add dashboard commands to cli reference (#413) (1def4ff2)