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$ vela add schedule <parameters...> <arguments...>

For more information, you can run vela add schedule --help.


The following parameters are used to configure the command:

NameDescriptionEnvironment Variables
orgname of organization for the scheduleVELA_ORG, SCHEDULE_ORG
reponame of repository for the scheduleVELA_REPO, SCHEDULE_REPO
schedulename of the scheduleVELA_SCHEDULE, SCHEDULE_NAME
entryfrequency for the scheduleVELA_ENTRY, SCHEDULE_ENTRY
activeenables/disables the scheduleVELA_ACTIVE, SCHEDULE_ACTIVE
outputformat the output for the scheduleVELA_OUTPUT, SCHEDULE_OUTPUT

This command also supports setting the following parameters via a configuration file:

  • org
  • repo
  • output

For more information, please review the CLI config documentation.



This section assumes you have already installed and setup the CLI.

To install the CLI, please review the installation documentation.

To setup the CLI, please review the authentication documentation.


$ pwd
$ vela add schedule --schedule hourly --entry '0 * * * *'

Targeted Request

$ vela add schedule --org github --repo octocat --schedule hourly --entry '0 * * * *' --output json


"id": 1,
"repo": {
"id": 1,
"owner": {
"id": 1,
"name": "octokitty",
"active": true
"org": "github",
"name": "octokitty",
"full_name": "github/octokitty",
"link": "",
"clone": "",
"branch": "main",
"topics": [],
"build_limit": 10,
"timeout": 30,
"counter": 0,
"visibility": "public",
"private": false,
"trusted": false,
"active": true,
"allow_events": {
"push": {
"branch": true,
"tag": false,
"delete_branch": false,
"delete_tag": false
"pull_request": {
"opened": false,
"edited": false,
"synchronize": false,
"reopened": false,
"labeled": false,
"unlabeled": false
"deployment": {
"created": false
"comment": {
"created": false,
"edited": false
"schedule": {
"run": false
"pipeline_type": "yaml",
"previous_name": "",
"approve_build": "fork-always"
"active": true,
"name": "hourly",
"entry": "0 * * * *",
"created_at": 1716495910,
"created_by": "octokitty",
"updated_at": 1716495910,
"updated_by": "octokitty",
"scheduled_at": 0,
"branch": "main",
"error": "",
"next_run": 1716499800


1. Add a schedule to a repository with active not enabled.
$ vela add schedule --org MyOrg --repo MyRepo --schedule hourly --entry '0 * * * *' --active false
2. Add a schedule to a repository with a nightly entry.
$ vela add schedule --org MyOrg --repo MyRepo --schedule nightly --entry '0 0 * * *'
3. Add a schedule to a repository with a weekly entry.
$ vela add schedule --org MyOrg --repo MyRepo --schedule weekly --entry '@weekly'
4. Add a schedule to a repository when config or environment variables are set.
$ vela add schedule