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This component is responsible for integrating with a database system based off the configuration provided.

The database system is used by Vela for storing application data at rest.

This data is an organized collection of information necessary for the platform to operate.


Any sensitive data stored in the database will be encrypted using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).


The following options are used to configure the component:

NameDescriptionRequiredDefaultEnvironment Variables
database.addrfull connection string to the databasetruesqlite3DATABASE_ADDR`VELA_DATABASE_ADDR`
database.drivertype of client to control and operate the databasetruevela.sqliteDATABASE_DRIVER`VELA_DATABASE_DRIVER`
database.compression.levellevel of compression for logs stored in the databasetrue3DATABASE_COMPRESSION_LEVEL`VELA_DATABASE_COMPRESSION_LEVEL`
database.connection.idlemaximum number of idle connections to the databasetrue2DATABASE_CONNECTION_IDLE`VELA_DATABASE_CONNECTION_IDLE`
database.connection.lifeduration of time a connection is reusabletrue30mDATABASE_CONNECTION_LIFE`VELA_DATABASE_CONNECTION_LIFE`
database.connection.openmaximum number of open connections to the databasetrue0DATABASE_CONNECTION_OPEN`VELA_DATABASE_CONNECTION_OPEN`
database.encryption.keyAES-256 key for encrypting/decrypting values in the databasetrueN/ADATABASE_ENCRYPTION_KEY`VELA_DATABASE_ENCRYPTION_KEY`
database.skip_creationskips the creation of tables and indexes in the databasefalsefalseDATABASE_SKIP_CREATION`VELA_DATABASE_SKIP_CREATION`
database.log.levellog level for databasefalsewarnDATABASE_LOG_LEVEL \ VELA_DATABASE_LOG_LEVEL
database.log.show_sqlshow sql query in logsfalsefalseDATABASE_LOG_SHOW_SQL \ VELA_DATABASE_LOG_SHOW_SQL
database.log.skip_notfoundskip logging not found errorsfalsetrueDATABASE_LOG_SKIP_NOTFOUND \ VELA_DATABASE_LOG_SKIP_NOTFOUND
database.log.slow_thresholdqueries higher than this value are considered slow and loggedfalse200msDATABASE_LOG_SLOW_THRESHOLD \ VELA_DATABASE_LOG_SLOW_THRESHOLD

For more information on these configuration options, please see the server reference.


The following drivers are available to configure the component:

postgresuses a PostgreSQL database for storing data at rest
sqlite3uses a SQLite database for storing data at rest


From the PostgreSQL official website:

PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system with over 30 years of active development that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, feature robustness, and performance.

The below configuration displays an example of starting the Vela server that will connect to a Postgres database:

$ docker run \
--detach=true \
--env=VELA_ADDR= \
+ --env=VELA_DATABASE_DRIVER=postgres \
+ --env=VELA_DATABASE_ADDR=postgres://<username>:<password>@<hostname>:<port>/<database> \
--env=VELA_DATABASE_ENCRYPTION_KEY=<encryption-key> \
--env=VELA_QUEUE_DRIVER=redis \
--env=VELA_QUEUE_ADDR=redis://<password>@<hostname>:<port>/<database> \
--env=VELA_PORT=443 \
--env=VELA_SECRET=<shared-secret> \
--env=VELA_SERVER_PRIVATE_KEY=<private_key> \
--env=VELA_SCM_CLIENT=<oauth-client-id> \
--env=VELA_SCM_SECRET=<oauth-client-secret> \
--name=server \
--publish=80:80 \
--publish=443:443 \
--restart=always \


From the Sqlite official website:

SQLite is a C-language library that implements a small, fast, self-contained, high-reliability, full-featured, SQL database engine. SQLite is the most used database engine in the world. SQLite is built into all mobile phones and most computers and comes bundled inside countless other applications that people use every day.

The below configuration displays an example of starting the Vela server that will connect to a Sqlite database:

$ docker run \
--detach=true \
--env=VELA_ADDR= \
+ --env=VELA_DATABASE_DRIVER=sqlite3 \
+ --env=VELA_DATABASE_ADDR=vela.sqlite \
--env=VELA_DATABASE_ENCRYPTION_KEY=<encryption-key> \
--env=VELA_QUEUE_DRIVER=redis \
--env=VELA_QUEUE_ADDR=redis://<password>@<hostname>:<port>/<database> \
--env=VELA_PORT=443 \
--env=VELA_SECRET=<shared-secret> \
--env=VELA_SERVER_PRIVATE_KEY=<private_key> \
--env=VELA_SCM_CLIENT=<oauth-client-id> \
--env=VELA_SCM_SECRET=<oauth-client-secret> \
--name=server \
--publish=80:80 \
--publish=443:443 \
--restart=always \

This Sqlite configuration is enabled by default and is not necessary to provide in order for Vela to operate.