
YAML keys for steps block

The steps key is intended to be used to run sequential tasks in a pipeline.

# This document is displaying all the required keys
# to run a postgres database for the duration of a pipeline.
  - name: Hello World
    image: alpine:latest
      - echo "Hello, Vela User"


nameYstringUnique identifier for the container in the pipeline.
imageYstringDocker image used to create ephemeral container.
pullNstringDeclaration to configure if and when the Docker image is pulled.
secretsNstructSensitive variables injected into the container environment.
environmentNmap OR []stringVariables to inject into the container environment.
rulesetNstructConditions to limit the execution of the container.
parametersNmapExtra configuration variables specific to a plugin.
commandsN[]stringExecution instructions to run inside the container.
templateNstructName of a template to expand in the pipeline.
id_requestNstringInjects VELA_ID_TOKEN_REQUEST_TOKEN into step environment.
entrypointN[]stringCommands to execute inside the container.
detachN[]stringRun the container in a detached (headless) state.
ulimitsNstringSet the user limits for the container.
userNstringSet the user for the container.


The name: key

    # Unique identifier for the container in the pipeline.
  - name: Hello World

The image: key

    # Docker image used to create ephemeral container. 
  - image: alpine:latest

The pull: key

    # Declaration to configure if and when the Docker image is pulled.
    # By default, the compiler will inject pull with value not_present but
    # accepts the following values: always, never, not_present, on_start
  - pull: always

The secrets: key

    # Sensitive variables to injected into the container
    # environment as upper case env. i.e. GIT_USERNAME=vela
  - secrets: [ git_username ]
    # Sensitive variables to injected into the container
    # environment as upper case env. i.e. GIT_USERNAME=<secret_value> 
  - secrets: 
      # The source is the "name:" of a secret within the
      # parent "secrets:" yaml key
      - source: username
      # The target is the desired environment key accessible during
      # the container runtime.
        target: git_username

The environment: key

    # Variables to injected into the container environment
    # using a map style syntax.
  - environment:
      DB_NAME: vela
    # Variables to injected into the container environment
    # using an array style syntax.
  - environment:
      - DB_NAME=vela

The ruleset: key

The following rules can be used to configure a ruleset:

branchname of branch for a build.
commentpull request comment body.
eventname of an event for a build.
instanceFQDN of backend server instance.
labelpull request label.
pathpath to workspace files for a build.
reponame of the repo for a build.
statusname of status for a build.
tagname of reference for a build.
targetname of deployment or schedule target for a build.
  - ruleset:
      # As shown below this step will execute if the build
      # branch is stage or main.
      branch: [ stage, main ]
  - ruleset:
      # This extends the ability to start new builds through interactions
      # within a pull request. As shown below this will run a step if a “run build”
      # comment is added to the bottom of a pull request.
      comment: [ "run build" ]
  - name: Event Ruleset
      # As shown below this step will execute if the build
      # event is push or pull_request. The available events are:
      # comment, push, pull_request, tag, and deployment.
      event: [ push, pull_request ]
  - name: Scope Events
      # For pull_request and comment events, specifying an action will
      # further scope when the step is executed. These actions include
      # opened, synchronized, and edited for pull_request; created and 
      # edited for comment. To specify an action, use a ":" as shown below.
      event: [pull_request:opened, comment:created]

      # Note: specifying pull_request is the same as 
      # [pull_request:opened, pull_request:synchronized, pull_request:reopened]. 
      # Specifying comment is the same as [comment:created, comment:edited]. 
  - name: Limiting execution to an instance
      # This step will execute if the FQDN of the 
      # server backend instance matches the supplied value.
  - name: Labeling a pull request
      # This step will execute if a pull request has been labeled enhancement.
      event: [ 'pull_request:labeled' ]
      label: [ 'enhancement' ]
  - name: Editing a pull request with labels
      # This step will execute if a pull request has been edited AND 
      # has the labels enhancement or documentation.
      event: [ 'pull_request:edited' ]
      label: [ 'enhancement', 'documentation' ]
  - ruleset:
      # As shown below this step will execute if file, any file of type *.md
      # in the root directory or any file in the test/* directory has changed.
      path: [, "*.md", "test/*" ]
  - ruleset:
      # As shown below this step will execute if repo exists within the target GitHub
      # organization or the repo is the go-vela/docs repository.
      repo: [ "target/*", "go-vela/docs" ]
  - ruleset:
      # As shown below this step will execute if the build status is failure or success.
      status: [ failure, success ]
  - ruleset:
      # As shown below this step will execute if the build ref is dev/* or test/*.
      tag: [ dev/*, test/* ]
  - ruleset:
      # As shown below this step will execute if the build target is stage or production.
      # This key is only compatible with deployment and schedule events.
      target: [ dev/*, test/* ]

The following controls can be used to modify the behavior of the ruleset evaluation:

continueenables continuing the build if the step fails.true, false
matchermatcher to use when evaluating the ruleset.filepath, regexp
operatoroperator to use when evaluating the ruleset.and, or
iflimits the step execution to all rules must match.branch, comment, event, path, repo, status, tag, target
unlesslimits the step execution to no rules can match.branch, comment, event, path, repo, status, tag, target
  - ruleset:
      # As shown below this will overwrite Vela's default behavior to
      # allow the build to continue the sequential step pipeline when this step fails.
      continue: true
  - ruleset:
      # As shown below this will overwrite Vela's default behavior to use a 
      # filepath matcher and instead evaluate all rules with regex. The available
      # matchers are: filepath, and regexp.
      # Note: The regexp matcher uses Go's regexp package. You can find documentation
      # at
      matcher: regexp
      branch: foo-\\d
  - ruleset:
      # As shown below this will overwrite Vela's default behavior to use an 
      # "or" behavior when comparing all ruleset rules.
      # The available operators are: and, and or.
      operator: or
  - ruleset:
      # As shown below this will tell the ruleset to only execute
      # this step when the branch is main and event is push.
        branch: main
        event: push
  - ruleset:
      # As shown below this will overwrite Vela's default behavior to tell the ruleset
      # to only execute this step when the branch is not main and event is not push.
        branch: main
        event: push

The parameters: key

    # Extra configuration variables specific to a plugin. All keys within the 
    # parameters key are injected environment variables into the
    # container as PARAMETER_<KEY_NAME>.
    # As shown below this step will execute a plugin that needs two fields:
    # PARAMETER_REPO=octocat/hello-world,go-vela/docs
  - parameters:
      repo: [ go-vela/hello-world,  go-vela/docs ]

The commands: key

    # Execution instructions to run inside the container. 
  - entrypoint:
      - echo "Hello, World"

The template: key

The following keys can be used to configure a template injection:

nameName of template to inject in the step
varsVariables injected into the template
  - template:
      # Name of template to inject in the step. The name must map
      # to an existing template in the parent "template" key.
      name: example
  - template:
      # Variables injected into the template. Variables can be any
      # primitive or complex YAML types but the corresponding template
      # needs to understand how those templates are to be used.
        tags: [ latest, "1.14", "1.15" ]
        pull_policy: always
          test: "go test ./..."
          build: "go build ./..."  

The report_as key

  # publish custom status for commit with `test suite` as the context
  - report_as: test suite

The id_request key

  # inject $VELA_ID_TOKEN_REQUEST_TOKEN into step environment. Value of `id_request` becomes one of the claims in the token.
  - name: OIDC 
    id_request: write

More info can be found in the OpenID Connect usage docs.

The entrypoint: key

    # Commands to execute inside the container.
  - entrypoint:
      - /bin/pwd
      - /bin/ls

The detach: key

    # Run the container in a detached (headless) state. Similar to the 
    # "services:" key this will create a container that can be used throughout
    # the duration of the pipeline.
  - detach: true

The ulimits: key

    # Set the user limits for the container.  
  - ulimits:
      - name: foo
        soft: 1024
      - name: bar
        soft: 1024
        hard: 2048

The user: key

    # Run the container with the foo user.
  - user: foo