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This plugin uses Grafana k6 to run performance tests in a Vela pipeline.

Source Code:



Below is a simple example using the plugin. In this hypothetical repository, the k6 test script is located at ./k6-test/script.js. In this step, a file named test-results.json will be created in the current directory with the test results.

- name: k6-performance-test
image: target/vela-k6:v0.1.0
event: [tag]
pull: true
script_path: ./k6-test/script.js
output_path: ./test-results.json

Example using projektor_compat_mode parameter, which generates output with the --summary-export flag instead of the recommended --out flag. This ensures compatibility with Projektor test result visualization:

- name: k6-performance-test
image: target/vela-k6:v0.1.0
event: [tag]
pull: true
script_path: ./k6-test/script.js
output_path: ./test-results.json
projektor_compat_mode: true

- name: projektor-publish
image: node:alpine
event: [tag]
pull: true
- npm install -g projektor-publish
- npx projektor-publish --serverUrl= --performance="./test-results.json"


Projektor will not accept performance test results unless the below stats are included

For your results to be accepted by your Projektor server, the k6 script's options.summaryTrendStats MUST include the following:

export const options = {
summaryTrendStats: ["p(95)", "p(90)", "avg", "min", "max", "med"],



The plugin supports reading all parameters via environment variables or files.

Any values set from a file take precedence over values set from the environment.

The following parameters are used to configure the image:

script_pathpath to the k6 script file. must be a JavaScript file satisfying the pattern ^(\./|(\.\./)+)?[a-zA-Z0-9-_/]*[a-zA-Z0-9]\.js$.trueN/A
output_pathpath to the output file that will be created. directories will be created as necessary. if empty, no output file will be generated. must be a JSON file satisfying the pattern ^(\./|(\.\./)+)?[a-zA-Z0-9-_/]*[a-zA-Z0-9]\.json$.falseN/A
setup_script_pathpath to an optional setup script file to be run before tests. must be a shell script (sh or bash) with execute permissions matching the pattern ^(\./|(\.\./)+)?[a-zA-Z0-9-_/]*[a-zA-Z0-9]\.sh$.falseN/A
fail_on_threshold_breachif false, the pipeline step will not fail even if thresholds are breached.falsetrue
projektor_compat_modeif true, output will be generated with the --summary-output flag instead of the --out flag. this is necessary for results uploaded to a Projektor server.falsefalse
log_progressif true, k6 progress bar output will print to the Vela pipeline. Not recommended for numerous or long-running tests, as logging becomes excessive.falsefalse