We recommend reviewing Starlark Spec before attempting to create a template.
From Starlark functions:
def twice(x):
return x * 2
str(twice) # "<function f>"
twice(2) # 4
twice("two") # "twotwo"
The function's name is preceded by the def keyword and followed by the parameter list (which is enclosed in parentheses), a colon, and then an indented block of statements which form the body of the function.
The parameter list is a comma-separated list whose elements are of four kinds. First come zero or more required parameters, which are simple identifiers; all calls must provide an argument value for these parameters.
The required parameters are followed by zero or more optional parameters, of the form name=expression. The expression specifies the default value for the parameter for use in calls that do not provide an argument value for it.
The required parameters are optionally followed by a single parameter name preceded by a *. This is the called the varargs parameter, and it accumulates surplus positional arguments specified by a call.
Finally, there may be an optional parameter name preceded by **. This is called the keyword arguments parameter, and accumulates in a dictionary any surplus name=value arguments that do not match a prior parameter.
The limitation on how many steps can be used is determined by the VELA_COMPILER_STARLARK_EXEC_LIMIT
flag set by platform administrators.
Let's take a look at using a function within a template:
def main(ctx):
return {
'version': '1',
'steps': [
def step(word):
return {
"name": "build_%s" % word,
"image": "alpine:latest",
'commands': [
"echo %s" % word
The caller of this template could look like:
version: "1"
- name: sample
format: starlark
type: github
- name: echo
name: sample
Which means the compiled pipeline for execution on a worker is:
version: 1
- name: sample_build_foo
image: alpine:latest
- echo foo
- name: sample_build_bar
image: alpine:latest
- echo bar